As we come to the end of 2020 and bid farewell to one of the strangest and most chaotic years in recent memory, the staff at Midplains Ag would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with the hope that 2021 will return to some sense of normality.
Just like we have experienced nationally, here at Midplains Ag we have experienced some amount of chaos. Donna has experienced some health issues throughout the year, placing additional burden on Tiffany, though Tiffany has managed well. Richard’s mother died unexpectedly in June and in October Tiffany lost her Grandfather to COVID.
In August, Rachel relocated from California with her two daughters back to Nebraska. In addition to crop insurance duties, she is building a geothermal greenhouse. When it’s finished and growing, she’ll be happy to show you how bananas, figs, and oranges can be grown in Nebraska.
We also expect the changes in crop insurance to be a little calmer in 2021. After 4 years of turmoil with hail and wind insurance rates we expect that in 2021 rates will probably stabilize. During that time, we’ve had to change many of our policies to different AIPs to find the best rates. While this is a challenge for us, we want to make sure that you have the most economical prices possible.
Over the past few years, different AIPs have introduced various versions of “Band Insurance”. Band Insurance allows farmers to cover a risk level higher than the normal 85%. Because this type of insurance covers risk at a level that has a high probability of collecting and is a private product, it is very expensive! This spring, RMA is introducing their version of “Band Insurance” called ECO. Because it’s not a private product, ECO might be priced at a level that is worth taking a look.
Again, the staff at Midplains Ag wish you a Merry Christmas and best wishes for the coming year