Midplains Ag


We would like to thank everyone for helping make acreage reporting go smoothly this year. With Donna’s eye problems, Tiffany was on her own and was able to get everything done on a timely basis.Getting acreage reporting done is always a big relief. It seems like crop insurance gets busy right after the new year and doesn’t slow down until acreage reporting is done.

COVID-19 has certainly made 2020 into a very strange year and hopefully we will get a vaccine at some point to return some sense of normality. In response to COVID, the RMA has delayed crop insurance payments by 60 days. If your MPCI bill is paid by December 1, there will be no interest.‍

Prevent plant acres were less than last year but we have had several green snap and hail claims this summer. Thankfully, none of our clients have had a storm as devastating as the one in Iowa. Hopefully, many of those farmers carried wind insurance.‍

Several of our clients have a cow/calf herd. If you do, you might want to consider PRF insurance. With the federal subsidies, if you carry PRF over a several year period you will probably receive more payments than you pay in premiums. In addition, it will help pay the bills in a dry year. Be sure to contact us for more information.‍

As we wind up irrigation season and prepare for harvest, we would like to wish everyone a safe and successful harvest. Be sure to turn in any revenue claims by December 10th.



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