Midplains Ag

2019 has been a crazy weather year. The bomb cyclone of March in Nebraska. Now massive snow early October for North Dakota. Sure they are used to cold and some snow but I don’t think anyone is ready for a foot or more of snow in October. Except maybe me if it was on a ski slope and I could be taking it in.

That being said the RMA has announced a reminder to producers that if you are having trouble getting your harvest in because of weather call your agent.

Spring planted wheat and barley policy periods end October 31st. If your crop is still in the field you need to let your agent know.

Corn and soybean policy periods end December 10th. If your crops are still in the field the first part of December I would recommend turning in a claim with your agent for delay of harvest.

This is the link to RMA new release “USDA Encourages Affected Producers to Contact Agents for Delayed Harvest

As always talk to your agent if you have any questions.

Tiffany Hemenway



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