Midplains Ag


As you are all wrapping up your planting season, we at Midplains Ag are getting excited & making plans for acreage reporting.  At this time, acreage reports still need to be signed by July 15th.  We know that seems like a long time right now, but it does sneak up on us quickly. We plan to keep reaching out, but if you have questions please call or email us.

Acreage Reporting

To get your reports completed, we would liketo set up zoom appointments or phone calls.  We have a 


/bookings/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>scheduling
platform on our website www.midplainsag.com with the link at the bottom of each page, or give us a call to schedule or discuss.  Zoom can be done on your smart phone or computer with no camera needed, using your email and internet access.  If your PC does not have a microphone, we can use the call-in feature to utilize your phone’s microphone.  No internet? Not a problem, we are still happy to take your acres over the phone and mail the completed acreage report for your review and signature/date.

What we need for acreage reports


o     Name of field

o   Legal  description (section, township, range)

o     Total acres planted

·          Irrigated vs non-irrigated

o     Plant date

o     Shareholders

o     If you are aware of Farm number changes, please inform us

If you would prefer to go to the FSA office first, remember that FSA has already sent you maps encouraging you to have those completed prior to your FSA appointment.  Please be specific with your acres irrigated vs non-irrigated.  Please send us your 578’s as soon as FSA gives you that 2nd copy for agents.  Phone conversations are great during this new time of physical distancing.  Covid-19 will be forcing us to utilize all our digital resources.

Digital Signatures

All our AIP’s offer digital signature options if you are interested.  Call Tiffany or Donna, and we can walk you through this 5-minute process.  The portal for signing documents also allows you to view all your policy documents and claim documents as well as pay your bill.  We are happy to use these services to keep you and us safe.  During our zoom visit, we are happy to walk you through the process and get you ready to receive your completed acreage document via the portal and see any additional information you are interested in.

IRS W-9’s

It has been brought to our attention by one of our AIP’s that to receive indemnity payments they will need W-9’s on file.  We will have to have this before you receive any funds from insurance claims.  That includes replant claims, hail claims, or price drop.  We will need W-9 sooner than acreage reporting if you have a replant or preventive plant situation occur. Call to let us know if you would like a paper copy sent or if you are ready to use the online digital signature.

Webinar Offerings

Friday May 15th, we hosted Ben Buckner of Ag Resource on Zoom.  The replay is on our website.  The WASDE report and the Covid-19 situation in terms of grain and livestock markets were the primary topics.  We plan to continue these webinars monthly going forward.  If you have a topic you are interested in hearing about, please let us know.

Wednesday June 24, at noon, we will host Ben Buckner of Ag Resource on Zoom again. Topic to be covered ‘Long Term Impact of Oversupply’. This will be a great analysis to get you thinking about how to market 2020 grain.

We are here to serve you and look forward to doing so. We love talking about your policies, your farming practices, the weather, your families and what you want in an agent.  A referral is your greatest thank you. Please contact if you have any questions or need to turn in a claim.



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